Why is all Mori-Nu® Silken Tofu made exclusively with Non-GMO soybeans?
A GMO is a genetically modified organism (also called “genetically engineered”): a plant, animal, or micro-organism that has been engineered with DNA from other animals, plants, bacteria, or viruses. GMOs are developed through gene-splicing by biotechnologists and can cross natural species barriers, such as salmon with growth hormones and genes from other fish, or even fish genes in tomato. Some crops, including soybeans, are engineered to withstand heavy doses of herbicide meant to kill weeds and implanted with genes to resist insects or pathogens.
Like many of you, Morinaga is concerned about GMOs. That’s why every package of Mori-Nu Silken Tofu is made only with Non-GMO soybeans.
We believe everyone deserves the choice to select non-GM foods, so if GMOs are not labeled, we think proven non-GMO options should be! For this reason we have partnered with the Non-GMO Project, North America’s only independent verification for products made according to rigorous best practices for GMO avoidance. Our verified products have been produced in compliance with the Non-GMO Project’s rigorous standards, including ongoing testing of all at-risk ingredients, facility inspections, and an annual audit to ensure the highest standard of GMO avoidance.
Our choice to use exclusively Non-GMO soy and acquire verification from the Non-GMO Project is only a part of Morinaga’s commitment to bringing you the freshest, purest, and safest foods possible and guarantee your complete satisfaction. It’s our promise to you, your health, and the environment.

All Mori-Nu products are certified Kosher by the Kosher Supervision of America and carry the KSA mark on the front of the box. We participate in annual audits to maintain our Kosher status.
Our KSA certification does not apply to Passover use.
For more information on Kosher and KSA:
Kosher Supervision of America

"Gluten-free" has become a hot food buzzword lately—and for good reason! In the US it is estimated that there are as many as 3 million people living with celiac disease, an autoimmune disorder that impacts digestion and nutrient absorption and can lead to complications like diabetes, intestinal cancer, and neurological problems. It cannot be cured; only managed with a lifelong gluten-free diet. Additionally, many people live with what many experts consider gluten intolerance, experiencing unpleasant symptoms when gluten is consumed even when criteria for celiac disease are not met. With so many people in need of reliable gluten-free products, it’s no wonder it has become such an important topic!
Luckily, soy is a naturally gluten-free ingredient! However, gluten contamination is a concern in a food system where various grains are often grown and stored in close conditions and factories produce multiple products in the same facilities on shared equipment. For this reason, the soybeans and all additional ingredients in our tofu are certified gluten-free. Additionally, our factory has a strict allergen control policy. In fact, we do not manufacture any products using gluten-containing ingredients at all!
The end result is that Mori-Nu tofu tests at less than 5 parts per million (ppm) gluten, the lowest possible test score by today’s measurements. This more than qualifies us for the FDA’s <20ppm standard for gluten-free, as well as the <10ppm limit for certification by the Gluten-Free Certification Organization (GFCO). We participate in regular audits to ensure our anti-gluten contamination policies remain consistent and sound.
Next time you pick up a package of Mori-Nu Silken Tofu, look for the “Gluten Free Certified” label on the front of the package and feel safe in knowing that you will not consume any unwanted gluten!
For more information on Gluten-Free and GFCO:
The Gluten-Free Certification Organization
FDA Gluten-Free Labeling of Foods
Celiac Disease Foundation
Mori-Nu Silken Tofu Organic is certified USDA Organic and carries the Organic label. Organic crops are non-GMO, free from synthetic pesticides, and have been grown in conditions that the USDA considers to best protect natural resources and the environment. To be certified USDA Organic, our suppliers and manufacturing facilities must undergo regular audits to prove our adherence to Organic standards.
Please note: At this time, only our Mori-Nu Silken Tofu Organic is certified USDA Organic. However, ALL Mori-Nu Silken Tofu is Non-GMO.
For more information on USDA Organic:
USDA Organic Agriculture